Video Path

Business: Broadcasting.
Customer: EVS

Created an algorithm to select best network path to transmit videos over IP.
Find in milliseconds best way to distribute videos from selected sources to receivers.

Network Controller

Business: Broadcasting.
Customer: EVS

Backend NodeJS service to control network devices from Arista and Cisco.
Design and implementation in Typescript.

Ember+ Library

Business: Broadcasting.
Customer: EVS

Ember+ is a common protocol in broadcasting to communicate with senders and receivers.
Developed a javascript library to support that protocol.
The library is available freely on github.

IoT Authentication

Business: IoT.
Customer: Dim3

Dim3 is active in the medical IoT business.
For their new product Feedim, Dim3 asked me to investigate best way to authenticate each device inside an hospital.

KNX Library

Business: Home Automation.
Customer: GDNet

My home is connected with KNX.
You can control it. From a lamp, to the window screens and heating system.
I created a javascript library to communicate with any KNX system.

Home Controller

Business: Home Automation.
Customer: GDNet

Working on a Full Stack project to control a connected home using KNX. Backend using NodeJS/Typescript and frontend in React.

Web Site

Help convert Web design into a real Web site.

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